Arizona SB 1070: A Homophonic Translation
Set in our / Arizona, / in / our legislature, / in our air, a
session / wanted to / stop a living / act.
Men live in fear of Arizona, or visit statues near there of fear
in Arizona, or visit statues of frightened faces near nothing, there in tears
in our faces, tattoos of our terror in Arizona, or visit statues bitten, sawed,
torn and then turned to a fence or a wall of fear, a wall of any word for
ending, or if all of Arizona revisits statues, and if art chopped here all of
our Arizona, or visits to a dissection of our event, of our relation to
lawfully present lines.
(these awful lines of ache)
1 See a person who
violates this section as guilty.
2 Words justify
the house in dollars,
3 the violence in
hate, full of armor I legalize.
4 Is fear an
object to find in
5 rivers of love.
6 Is it under our
love, ours, our vices too. Is amen read
7 under the love
in empathy. Is a line of rope en-
8 ough for our
volume of n-
9 ecks. I feel a
noose inside our riv-
10 er made of fence.
11 An employer shall
not knowingly employ an unauthorized alien.
12 If we name a race,
contract an other toward a r-
13 iver, drag
14 to work for
us--our alien, our right to
15 personness, our
contraction, our line, our form.
16 Our other violates
us, us, us.
17 Beat the other
river. Say trash rips open and foreign
18 violations come
19 out breaking
social security. Ameri-
20 ca never arrived
as some foreigner in a riv-
21 er, or as a
foreigner illegally, a noun--
22 hardly a noun--a
feral race on the shores
23 of a state. Hurt
them, lawyer. Shove violence in.
24 I fucked her,
shoved it inside her, scripted it
25 for her, for our
country. May I never touch
26 her violated cunt
again. This subsection shall
27 be construed to
prohibit the feeling of us and our-
28 s. My fear is a
river over-
29 flowing our race,
30 our national
origin, as if they were
31 us also, under our
noise. All
32 unauthored aliens
are waste mired in river-
33 s of our agency,
mazes of state-
34 ment. One of us is
an attorney for our count-
35 ry, for our
authors, authoriz-
36 ing a whiter
government for us, to get the dust out.
37 Their river is
dust relocated, emptied
38 in a bin gently
from a nation, churning, stir-
39 ring into us, in
me, ours. A surer
40 author than us
will verify our governed person-
41 hood. Say this is
our version of life as a
42 failure of us. Say
we are this section of faces at r-
43 est in war.
1 After an
investigation, the attorney general or county attorney
2 determine some
plan. This isn’t a frivolous
3 need here for
learners to find
4 status. Migrate
into us in formation. Author us alien.
5 What river
country holds all
6 of our meanings
in the horizon
7 there, sure
enough for us not to try to cr-
8 ross over, to
not see if the land
9 is really filled
with horror
10 and revulsion. A
sun set on us he-
11 re, against the
Arizona tourist air,
12 where rise alien
employees or lawyers and
13 attorneys all
drenched in a river of violen-
14 ce. Say this
occurs before rivers. Show us the end.
15 A view of this is
based only on an author’s alien w-
16 orld that morphed
during a short r-
17 evolution of this
section, our section, our subsection A.
18 A foreign actor
researched a r-
19 ole dying in a
river as
20 practical data.
21 If I dive into
22 one, a river of
line as described in our graph here, what is
23 on the shore.
24 A short order:
Return nation
25 unheard alien.
26 Be ashore, reader,
for us. Tether your
27 fear to our fear,
for the current is a line
28 perforating the
rope. In a river we flow where
29 carried in a form
proven to tear us f-
30 rom every other.
This is
31 location, our
authored line for a reader.
32 Color it for us to
ride off with. The
33 country in here is
safer, ordered
34 off as a state.
There is remain-
35 der in this. Say
and. The fear will
36 inch away, lurking
on the horizon instead.
37 Courts ordered the
appropriate agency to U.S. lines, subjected
38 this division to
our reality. Fear here is
39 a signature.
Division trained our signs
40 for order. I is
all I, an us that are suspended under this.
41 Dive in here, in
us ending at river, in
42 aid of a white
country not white anyway. Our
43 view is fences,
our stately
44 terror fences, for
ours is divid-
45 ed. Hours spent
revising our I’s shut.
© 2012 Ryan Clark