10 March 2009

Featured Poet: Nicolás Mansito III

A Note on the Poems

The following poems and their respective titles
were composed from a collection of the third and
seventh words – in some cases, reproducible symbols
and / or typographical characters – on each page
(excluding front / back covers) of each book of
poetry whose title, author, and publication information
I have listed above each poem. All the words gathered
from each book were used for each respective poem – no
words were discarded, nor was any formula used to
ascertain the order of the words; their formats regarding
capitalization, italics, underlining, and bolding were
kept as is – therefore there is no punctuation, only
spacing, stanza and line breaks. The only change I made to
any word was change its font to “Times New Roman,” purely
for the sake of consistency. These poems are from a larger,
completed manuscript consisting of 37 poems and entitled,
3rd & 7th.


~ Gregory Corso’s Gasoline
(1958), City Lights Books

Where’s MY 25 GASOLINE Girl

Mrs. Warm a curved bazooka breast
painting 13 Poem WALLS
I Do a pure medieval GANGSTER with Your Aperture
nails to angels phallic And crouched
the Living Aprilcity a FLEETING by The window



But No Mercy On this Are DOWNFALLEN Street

THE YAK came laid THE peas
1940 bombed 1958
the Florentine Morgue
a flat ball
your Four Decade Introduction

is that It
will there crouched WARMTH Last
Do 39 lyrics have them

this I is my I
is me

~ Elizabeth Robinson’s Under That Silky Roof
(2006), Burning Deck Press

I proscribe the digests

in Cole
the egg idea

the woman is chest


bending action
maternal bluff

the day is yellow
all mother

in infancy I leave
stamped of fastenings

the knob stretches forward
a pool halves to mum symmetry

author of girth I
harm the typeset

breath bread hands
things of benign reference

shaped ones blend
single you in

like Herndon
foot to hair approaching

a cipher not pricked
necessitates that commentary

You perfection within half omission
focus that burning

that interrupting deck
object of warmth

We always as open recollection a hand cannot read
it revises the sample with his will

but under the slat
on off is was

why thank much making
see to side with

~ A. E. Stallings’ Archaic Smile
(1999), University of Evansville Press

to A.Stallings

from The snaggle-toothed Underworld They dragged two Stallings Poems
for the not Two Dream Struck Demons and Insomniacs Who Mourn
the young child a sleep in the bed of this Singer of The Vulture Island Minoan
How His Mother forgot her words on Her large Losers Bourn

It’s a Charge than or is reproach All parents Fear
and was poet’s Kill Prey Nearby The is Trees
but The Mrs. Cardinal Can’t Hear
The things of home and poetry and Greece

How is Sister a Ashley an is the artist of Jocelyn
Saying nothing a of the News Hear the White
Crow woke up on the is train and Became Tamar

the Many may People of 1999 lose the Thanks occasion
as a partner is just Moved on the night
was a were an a are

~ Russell Edson’s The Rooster’s Wife
(2005), BOA Editions

Now is A was Simplification and was Abstraction

The One AUTHOR as acknowledgment gives the sea autopsies of nine Waters
As There hollowed gas Heads lay the One excellent Do Egg
the Young Rooster’s skeleton in layed in
an There dressed in a had Diaper the Garden keeping Citizen is a crushed Story
to Consider Jack Edson is young and scientific in every possible thought
Had his Wife Lully Li-Young Edson
Who was An Afternoon of knitting A Midsummer’s They Fairytale
The Two As A Vignette of A beating and falling Us Organ
He was of a super Knee did to A Wife and Woman was Wall
I can’t Complete the story was A woman and Man fallen Story
All who is arguably from A Story A who LTD. SERIES in A Book found and danced About
Who Is playing with the 2005 Pig Tail
An old woman looked like An old cane
Sell The Horse Rug He said man manager to Wife and woman

Nicolás Mansito III works across multiple genres – essay, poetry,
short-fiction, creative nonfiction, interview, and translation –
and between two languages, English and Spanish. His work has
appeared in places such as Jacket, Nebula, Rio Grande Review, 21
Stars Review, Words Without Borders, Rhino, Sojourn, Babel Fruit,
The Arabesques Review, MiPOesias, and Center.

Copyright © 2009 Nicolás Mansito III